Welcome to Another Way - Home of SpokenMiracles
Another Way was founded by  M. Lucía
Espinosa, author of
Spoken Miracles - A
Companion To The Disappearance of the
and lead moderator / contributor of
some of the largest and fastest growing
spiritual online discussion groups over the
Internet,  and her husband, award winning
musician and composer Dave Biemiller.

Another Way, LLC. is an organization formed by students
of various spiritual paths - including A Course in Miracles -
dedicated to practicing transformational principles in their
own lives and therefore teaching by demonstrating that
"There is Another Way of living in this world."

We do this by earnestly working in our own lives and
minds to remove the blocks to the awareness of Love’s
presence, and teaching others how to do this through
books, music, workshops, and individual work sessions.  

Another Way's goal is to help those who seek a better life
experience learn to see things Another Way, thus making
lasting peace and happiness a tangible reality in their lives
tangible realities in their lives.
Another Way